Studio ROSID
Jl. Cigadung Raya Tengah No. 42/2
Babakan Jami
Bandung 40134
Telp. +62 22 2513878, +62 22 2516651
Mobile +62 8122456472
Location of Studio ROSID is in the hill of Bandung, West Java. This studio is built by Rosid since 2000. Rosid is a painter. He does his art works in this studio. This studio has progressed in development as like a gallery, guest house and library.
West Java is one of provinces in Indonesia. It has been long known for its beauty of nature and a great potential of arts and culture spread out in 25 cities of the region.
The province of West Java has national´s excellent reputation. During the Dutch occupation, the city of Bandung as the capital used to be known as Paris of Java around 1960.
Topographically, Bandung is low and hilly with steep and deep valley, the weather is cool. The Dutch made use of this fertile land as tea and rubber estates, we can still enjoy the panorama of the plantation in Priangan land. In early times, the region was under the rule of Padjadjaran Kingdom.
Bandung is known for the growth of arts and aesthetics, not only traditional form but also in contemporary of art, which is very strong of discourse. And here is one of the important place where the history of visual art come from.
The New Hero Object in the Tradition Drawing Portrait
Rosid is one of artists who occupied the tradition of portrait visual art (including sculpture tradition in celebrating many specific figures).
In this case he represents the drawing tradition with object precision, pursues details aspect, light; dark-bright, and volume, more over expression of the object.
These counted as the long journey of the practice of portrait painting and models; on that time special (character) or important figure was directly painted on the spot then.
But since camera was found, artists often use it as auxiliary tool to achieve detail aspect of his painting object, including Rosid who started the empathy to the object he found anywhere, in this case by his camera.
Even the grouping/cropping technique he chose was adaptation of the way of work of a photographer.
That was done to give specific emphasize to the object he tool or painted which is the strategy of his art communication to attract the public or appreciator of sympathy-emphaty, so quickly to the work by the magnified object technique.
In the beginning this tradition is depict portray figure of character that describe a specific glorious.
For instance the figure of ruler, rich men, most achievementmen and knights; in this case the figure who has influenced power or social position in the society (politic as well), then kings, nobles, regent etcetera often appear.
Here hedonistic is celebrated by process subliming the materialism by using the measure of worldly social hierarchy.
Mostly adults are the ones who appear.
Figures of women, especially children which are not assumed to have important position in the circle of culture appear just a little.
There was portraits of the poor, homeless, sellers in a traditional market, mother’s figure and so on, so there appeared “new heroes”; ordinary people who run hard live and trying to protect, inspire and continues the struggle of this nation.
They are minor, reflective, inspired and sometime symbolic figures, heroes of our society that we can find everyday.
It is so in Rosid’s work.
Isn’t the history can be repeated?
May be, but surely, with the new context, new media, and new way of expression. So drawing artwork of Rosid is on the history of portrait visual art with new atmosphere.
--By Ardiyanto, an independent curator and artist--
Artist Statement
I am trying to run my art as the way it is, simple and get along with personal dynamic in the changing place and time. Of course I keep my orientation up by maintaining consistency, commitment, and deep involvement.
I am concentrating my art on the journey of endless time and do my best in trying to use and fulfill it with work and keep learning.
I got inspirations from portrait painting practices to reveal various human characters and their expressions. I am trying to stick on those themes. I am too attempting the changing and development according to the expression need, art communication and theme choice, symbol, technique and media itself.
From the past until now, I have been trying to always learn with many materials and drawing techniques or paint with various artists in the various places. I sometimes invite my partner and trying to show my work to get many comments and critics. They are needed to my future increases.
By those figures I am trying to linked with context by its outer figure, although the development tends to existence and figure’s problem itself. Then choosing of the object can be the important element for me to recognize myself as a personal continuously, therefore the objects on my work are for learning and contemplation, at least for me myself as an artist and ordinary human.
Born in Parigi, Ciamis, West Java
February 15, 1969
--Translated from Indonesian by Septina Ferniati--
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Halo Rosid yth!
Saya seorang pelukis dan dosen seni rupa dari Hongaria, Eropa-Tengah. Saya temannya Sally E. Dean, penari kontemporer yang telah tinggal seperti tamu di Studio Rosid. Saya sekarang organisasi program tukar-menukar di antara seniman Indonesia dan Hongaria. Tolong kirim alamat email anda, untuk saya bisa kirim informasi lebih lengkap dan kita bisa diskusi tentang itu.
Alamat email saya:
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Saya tunggu balasan dari Rosid secepat mungkin! :-)
Salam: Eszter Tari
Halo Bpk. Rosid!
Seperti kita sudah berbicara melalui telpon saya kirim informasi lebih lengkap disini.
Saya tinggal dengan biaiswa Darmasiswa di Solo tahun 1998-1999, waktu saya belajar bahasa Indonesia, ukir kayu, tatah wayang dan batik. Tahun 2007 (waktu saya ikut program pascasarjana di Hongaria)saya bisa kembali ke Solo seperti dosen tamu untuk mengajar selama satu semester di Universitas Seelas Maret. Pada waktu itu saya berbicara dengan dosen ISI Solo dan UNS tentang kemungkinan "artist in residence program" di Indonesia untuk seniman Hongaria dan "artist in residence program" di Hongaria untuk seniman Indonesia.
Saya sudah hubungi satu art colony di Hongaria-Selatanyang bisa terima 2 seniman keramik dan 2 seniman patung. 6 seniman yang sudah kirim lamarannya dan direktor art colony keramik dan patung akan putus siapa yang diundang ada bulan Desember.
Yang lebih penting untu nada bahwa saya penemu satu tempat untuk satu pelukis Indonesia di Hongaria-Selatan-Timur di INTERNATIONAL ARTIST'S COLONY OF HAJDÚ REGION. Mereka bisa terima setiap tahun hanya satu pelukis dari Indonesia ke Artist's Colony of Hajdú Region (mungkin saya coba penemu art colony lain yang mau terima pelukis Indonesia). Tapi katanya mereka, bahwa hanya akan terima satu pelukis Indonesia, kalau satu pelukis Hongaria juga bisa datang ke Indonesia. Oleh karena itu saya pikir tentang Studio Rosid, karena ISI Solo dan UNS kelihatanya tidak bisa terima pelukis Hongaria.
Saya senang kalau Pak Rosid yang jadi datang ke Artist's Colony of Hajdú Region. Sudah saya bisa lihat beberapa karya dari anda di internet. Tolong, kalau tertarik dalam program ini, kirim riwayat hidup anda dalam bahasa Inggris dan foto tentang beberapa karya (5 - 10) ke alamat email saya sampai akhir bulan Desember!!!
Tolong, Pak Rosid menulis berapa seniman bisa diterima oleh Studio Rosid? (Kalau dua atau tiga saya masih bisa cari tempat untuk 1 atau2 seniman Indonesia lagi.)Seniman2 Hongaria bisa kerja dimana? Mereka boleh datang kapan dan boleh tinggal berapa lama disana? Apakah mereka bisa tidur dimana? Dan apakah setuju untuk membayar biaya hidup dan seni (tempat tinggal, material seni dan makanan) untuk seniman" Hongaria?
Saya tulis rincinan hubungan International Artist's Colony of Hajdú Region, yang bisa mengundag anda. Biasanya seperempat dari seniman di art colony terdiri dari seniman Hongaria, seperempat terdiri dari seniman Hongaria yang tinggal di luar negeri dan setengah terdiri dari seniman orang asing.
Art colony akan diadakan selama tiga minggu. Tahun 2009 akan dimulai selama minggu pertama pada bulan Juni.
Mereka tidak bisa bayar harga pesawat karcis. Tapi mereka bayar tempat tinggal dan studio, makanan dan minumam. Studio dan tempat tinggal ada dalam satu kamar dan setiap seniman akan punya satu kamar. Kamar mandi dan kamar kecil ada luar dari kamar2 dan satu akan dipakai oleh paling 6 seniman.
Selalu diorganisasi oleh pemimpin tiga acara untuk seniman-seniman: duakali bisa jalan-jalan keliling kota Debrecen dan satu kali semua seniman melukis di luar, di alun-alun pusat di kota Debrecen.
Akhir tiga bulan art colony akan dipamerkan karya-karya seniman2. Pada hari pembukaan pameran dua seniman yang buat karya yang paling bagus akan dapat hadiah.
Seniman2 sebelum pulang harus kasih satu karya ke Walikota Debrecen dan satu karya ke International Artist's Colony of Hajdú Region. Pemimpin artist colony ini biasanya mengoraganisasi banyak pameran di Hongaria dan di luar negeri dengan dua karya yang tinggal disana.
Disana ada penerjemah yang bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris, Jerman dan Perancis. Juga bisa pakai komputer dan internet.
Apakah untuk Pak Rosid masalah bahwa harus bayar harga pesawat uara sendiri? Bisakah dapat sponsor untuk itu?
Kalau origram ini bisa jadi, ini hanya permulaan... mungkin nanti bisa diundang lebih banyak seniman?!
Untuk dapat informasi lebih lengkap tentang art colony di Hongaria, tolong lihat websitenya dalam bahasa Inggris:
International Artist's Colony of Hajdú Region (untuk pelukis)
Kelihatanya saya bisa kembali lagi ke Indonesia tahun depan. Saya harap kita bisa ketemu dan saya bisa berkunjugi Studio Rosid.
Saya tunggu balasan anda.
Eszter Tari
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